- Published on
Filter on Object key/value
Select the array in .items
, loop through and select the items which have a .name
equal to "thisname"
, then return the .name
and .status
cat file.json | jq '.items | .[] | select(.name == "thisname") | {name: .name, status: .status}'
Setting environment variables from jq output
eval "$(echo '{"team": "wibble", "account": "wobble", "region": "bibbity"}' | jq -r '@sh "team=\(.team) account=\(.account)"')"; echo "team is $team and account is $account"
Sort and diff JSON filed
Use the --sort-keys
flag to sort the files and then compare using diff
diff <(cat /tmp/A.json | jq --sort-keys) <(cat /tmp/B.json | jq --sort-keys)
Walk an object tree looking for a specific key
Walk through an entire object and return all instances of a key (in the below example .target
echo '{"target": ["a","b","c"], "nested": {"nothingHere": {"somethingElse": ["z", "y", "x"]}, "checkHere": {"target": ["d","e","f"], "anotherLevel": {"not-target": ["w", "v", "u"], "target": ["g", "h", "i"]}}}}' | jq '..|.target?'
To select an object based on whether the key exists:
cat /tmp/file.json | jq -r '.items | .[] | select( (.some.object | ..|.target? != null) )'
Subtitute Text
echo '{"Hello": ",[World,]}"}' | jq '.Hello | sub(",\\[";"") | sub(",]}";"")'
Filter on length of array
echo '{"items": [{"name": "one", "arr": [1,2,3]}, {"name": "two", "arr": []}, {"name": "three", "arr": [1]}, {"name": "four", "arr": [1,2]}]}' | jq -r '.items | .[] | select((.arr|length) > 2)'
Parse string as JSON
$ echo '{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": "{\"id\":\"9ee ...\",\"parent\":\"abc...\"}"}' | jq -r '.c | fromjson'
"id": "9ee ...",
"parent": "abc..."
Filter on Object key/value (contains)
Loop through an array and select the items which have a .name
which contains "someText"
, then return the .name
and .status
cat file.json | jq '.[] | select( .name | contains("someText") ) | {name: .name, status: .status}'
Filter on Object key existing
Select the array in .items
, loop through and select the items which have the specified key, then return the .name
cat file.json | jq -r '.items | .[] | select(.a.path.to.an.array[]?.key != null) | .name'
Filter with multiple conditions
Use or
in a select
statement, to filter on multiple conditions
cat file.json | jq -r '.items | .[] | select((.status == "Running") or (.status == "Scheduled") or .status == "ConfirmationNeeded") | .name'
Filter on Object key/value (not contains)
Loop through an array and select the items which don't have a .name
which contains "some-text"
, then return the .name
cat file.json | jq -r '.items | .[] | select(.name | contains("some-text") | not) | .name'
Filter Key with startswith
echo '{"items": [{"hostname": "aThing"}, {"hostname": "aThing2"}, {"hostname": "bThing"}]}' | jq -r '.items | .[] | select(.hostname | startswith("aT"))'
Get the length of an array, sort by the highest count, and then output with the corresponding name
cat << EOF > /tmp/data.json
"items": [
"name": "name-one",
"non-needed-object": {
"foo": "bar",
"hello": "world",
"bar": "baz"
"apps": ["abc", "def", "123"]
"name": "name-two",
"non-needed-object": {
"foo": "bar"
"apps": ["abc"]
"name": "name-three",
"non-needed-object": {
"foo": "bar"
"name": "name-four",
"non-needed-object": {
"foo": "bar"
"apps": ["abc", "def", "123", "456", "xyz"]
"name": "name-five",
"non-needed-object": {
"foo": "bar"
"apps": ["abc", "123"]
jq -c '.items | .[] |= . + {length: .apps|length} | sort_by(.length) | reverse | .[] | {name: .name, app_count: .length}' /tmp/data.json
.[] |= . + {length: .apps|length}
- adds thelength
key onto each objectsort_by(.length) | reverse
- sort by highest count -> lowest
Use if statements
cat << EOF > data.json
"items": [
"name": "nameone",
"nonimportantfields": {
"foo": "bar",
"hello": "world"
"importantfields": {
"superimportant": "foo"
"name": "nametwo",
"nonimportantfields": {
"foo": "bar",
"hello": "world"
"importantfields": {
"superimportant": "bar"
"name": "namethree",
"superimportant": true,
"nonimportantfields": {
"foo": "bar",
"hello": "world"
cat data.json | jq '.items | .[] | if .importantfields and .nonimportantfields.foo == "bar" then .name else empty end'
Filter Key with endswith
echo '{"items": [{"hostname": "aThing1"}, {"hostname": "aThing2"}, {"hostname": "bThing1"}]}' | jq -r '.items | .[] | select(.hostname | endswith("ing1"))'
Get length of an array
cat file.json | jq -r '.items | length'
Check if a key or value exists
cat << EOF > data.json
"name": "name-field",
"skills": {
"cloud": "aws",
"devops": "git"
## Check if a key exists
cat data.json | jq 'has("notexists")' ## returns false
cat data.json | jq 'has("skills")' ## returns true
cat data.json | jq '.skills | has("devops")' ## returns true
## Check if a value exists
cat data.json | jq '.name | contains("notexists")' ## returns false
cat data.json | jq '.name | contains("debjeet")' ## returns true
cat data.json | jq '.skills.cloud | contains("aws")' ## returns true
Combine has
with select
to extract the objects which are true
cat << EOF > data.json
"items": [
"name": "name-one",
"non-important-fields": {
"foo": "bar",
"hello": "world"
"important-fields": {
"super-important": "foo"
"name": "name-two",
"non-important-fields": {
"foo": "bar",
"hello": "world"
"important-fields": {
"super-important": "bar"
"name": "name-three",
"super-important": true,
"non-important-fields": {
"foo": "bar",
"hello": "world"
cat data.json | jq -r '.items | .[] | {name: .name, exists: .["important-fields"]? | has("super-important")}' | jq -r 'select(.exists == true)'
"name": "name-one",
"exists": true
"name": "name-two",
"exists": true
Group by and count
echo '{"items": [ {"Priority": "High"},{"Priority": "High"},{"Priority": "High"},{"Priority": "High"},{"Priority": "Low"},{"Priority": "Low"},{"Priority": "Low"} ]}' | jq -r '.items | group_by(.Priority)[] | {Priority: .[0].Priority, Count: length}'
"Priority": "High",
"Count": 4
"Priority": "Low",
"Count": 3
Select, Group by and count
echo '{"items": [ {"Priority": "High"},{"Priority": "High"},{"Priority": "High"},{"Priority": "High"},{"Priority": "Medium"},{"Priority": "Medium"},{"Priority": "Low"},{"Priority": "Low"},{"Priority": "Low"} ]}' | jq -r '.items | .[] | select((.Priority == "High") or (.Priority == "Medium"))' | jq -s 'group_by(.Priority)[] | {Priority: .[0].Priority, Count: length}'
"Priority": "High",
"Count": 4
"Priority": "Medium",
"Count": 2
Select fields starting with
Select all fields that start with prefixA
, from within the anotherField
echo '{"aField": {}, "anotherField": { "prefixAOne": "foo", "prefixATwo": "foo", "prefixAThree": "foo", "prefixBOne": "bar", "prefixBTwo": "bar" }, "lastField": true}' | jq -r '.anotherField | to_entries[] | select(.key|startswith("prefixA"))'
"key": "prefixAOne",
"value": "foo"
"key": "prefixATwo",
"value": "foo"
"key": "prefixAThree",
"value": "foo"
Add a field to an object
Assign bar
to argument foo
and then add the "foo": "bar"
key/value to the object
echo '{"hello": "world"}' | jq --arg foo bar '. + {foo: $foo}'
"hello": "world",
"foo": "bar"
Preserve nested objects with *
echo '{"hello": {"value": "world"}}' | jq '. * {"hello": {foo: ("bar")}}'
"hello": {
"value": "world",
"foo": "bar"
Using +
will not preserve nested objects
echo '{"hello": {"value": "world"}}' | jq '. + {"hello": {foo: ("bar")}}'
"hello": {
"foo": "bar"
Concat strings
echo '{"hello": {"value": "world"}}' | jq --arg foo bar '. * {"hello": {foo: ("not" + $foo)}}'
"hello": {
"value": "world",
"foo": "notbar"